So, almost everyone likes hearing songs and dance. Well some of us also search
for lyrics of our favorite song on internet. But that is only a waste of time.
If you want to view lyrics of any song which you play directly in front of you withoutdoing any search on internet and wandering various websites, you can use below
given method which is a simple software which provides you the facility to
download song lyrics directly to your media player.
It's "MiniLyrics". It is a simple plugin made for many media players including
Windows Media Player. It downloads and displays the lyrics of the song
which you are playing within seconds.
So now, no extra effort needed for viewing lyrics of a song on your PC.
Just follow the steps given below to view lyrics directly on your computer screen
as you start playing a song.
Steps to view song lyrics
- First, download MiniLyrics free version from below.
- After downloading, you will get a setup file. So now just run the setup.
- Now, you will see that MiniLyrics will automatically popup when you play any song.