"Your requested URL has been blocked as per the directions received from Department of Telecommunications, Government of India. Please contact administrator for more information"
You may sometimes come to see the caution or Warning Message , I may say, like this while surfing the internet nowadays. This is because the Government Of India has blocked, as stated, some of the Torrent Websites, Online Video Playing Websites, and some other illegal or irrelevant content providing websites, due to the leak of some Indian Bollywood Movies before their release date on some Torrent Websites, specially, KickassTorrents, ThePiratesBay, etc along with their 'HTTPS' versions also.and in my view, that was necessary. Well! you can share your's also in the comment section below ;)
Now, coming straight to the point, I am going to provide you a very special stuff, which you can use to have access on those sites also which are blocked by the government or any other institution. This is, as always, a simple Hack Tool which you can use to get rid of this annoying thing. It's very easy to use, actually, you have nothing to do with it. All the things are already being done, as we Indians always demand:)
And, the best part is, you can use it without disturbing any of your proxy settings in PC.
Steps to download and use
- First, download the hack tool provided in the below link.
- Then, extract it with the password provided.
- After extraction process completes, right click on the application file and 'Run As Administrator'.
- The program will now open and you have to wait for sometime, till the bar ticks itself.
- Now, click on the Hide Button.
Password: WwW.SidDh3$H.Surf.2017
Now, you can surf any website without anymore annoying cautions or warning messages. Well, I've provided you such kind of stuff, but respect the decisions of our government and try not to open the websites which have been blocked as long as possible. Have a nice day :)