Hey Friends! Today, I'm going to give you a most important and unbelievable
information, that is, you can easily hide your files also/even in your Java
Handsets by giving a plenty of time on my blog and on configuration of
the application I'm going to give you in my this post.
I was totally shocked after using the application on one of my old S40 Java phone.
It worked perfectly on my phone with a very easy access of it's user.
You don't need further information on this topic of accessing &
using the application as it is very easy to operate.
Now, you may proceed further to know how you can encrypt your files and also
hide them in your Java Device.
Steps to hide files
- First, download the software from the given download link below.
- Now, transfer it to your phone by Bluetooth or USB Cable (if you downloaded it in your PC or Laptop).
- Now, open the application and first navigate to Settings and set Application Password.
- Now, navigate to the file, which you have to hide and open it's Properties and tick the Hide File option.
Now, you've hided the file and only you've the access to that file.
Enjoy :)
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